How to Distance Yourself From a Negative Friend

How to Distance Yourself From a Negative Friend


    • Evaluate the friendship with honesty. Sometimes it feels like somebody is constantly being negative, but perhaps he is only trying to be honest. Determine whether it is that you cannot accept the truth or that someone is simply trying to hurt or bring you down. If the friendship brings more misery to your life than joy, it is time to start distancing yourself.

    • Stop initiating conversation. While you should return calls and emails at first, refrain from being the one to start a conversation with this negative friend.
      Be honest. Every time the person does something that bothers you, be sure to address it. Chances are, the negative friend thrives on the power of his negativity. He is used to getting a reaction from others that keeps his sense of power. By fighting back, you will throw him off-guard. He may start to even distance himself from you, which is fantastic!

      Wait a day or two before returning calls or emails. He is not getting the hint, and you have to stop the negativity from being a constant presence.

      Keep yourself busy. Whenever the friend wants to hang out with you, express your regret that you are extremely busy. Mean it. When he tries to ask your schedule, do not give out the specifics. Simply saying that you are busy should keep you distanced without putting yourself on the offense.

      Tell him that you need space if he keeps pestering you. Some people simply cannot take a hint. Be kind, but be firm. Be honest about why you need space, and he will likely give it to you. If you're really lucky, he may even change for you. Don't look for that to happen, but honesty is the best policy.

Tips & Warnings

  • Refrain from burning bridges. Simply distance yourself from unwanted people in your life.
  • Don't cut someone out of your life on their first offense. One negative experience may lead to many positive ones.


How to Distance Yourself From a Negative Friend How to Distance Yourself From a Negative Friend Reviewed by Unknown on 04:01 Rating: 5

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