How To Get Waist-Long Natural Hair in No Time!For Ladies Only.

I will continue to preach the following: healthy short natural hair is better than damaged long natural hair.
Damaged hair does nothing but stay damaged. Split ends continue to
split up the hair shaft until the entire strand completely falls or breaks off. And the only way to rectify that problem is to cut it.
That's why it is more important to worry about your hair being healthy than your hair getting long.
But it is possible to have long healthy hair. There are plenty of naturals who have long hair but they all follow a simple discipline with their hair, if you have not noticed: LESS IS MORE.
It's not secret that constantly manipulation is the fastest way to make your hair weak. Heat is another devil's child when trying to maintain healthy hair too.
Here are some basic tips to follow to get long natural hair within the next few years:
Have patience. Natural kinky and curly hair is the most tender texture. It requires constant moisture because it gets so dry so fast. Our texture requires a little more TLC because of that. Plus, hair generally grows only 1/2 an inch each month. Be patient with it.
Get a hobby. Not trying to be a smarty, but really, find something to take your mind off your hair. Like, seriously; get a hobby!
Consider changing your diet. You don't have to eat like the cave people but consider cutting processed and fried foods in exchange for white chicken and fish. Instead of morning coffee, try morning tea and do the same from your lunch and dinner beverages. In take WAY more water, too. And consider upping your vitamin and supplement game of more Vitamin E and biotin.
ALWAYS COMB ON MOISTENED HAIR! Try to avoid combing your hair when it is completely dry. Lubricate it so that the comb guides through easier so you don't have to pull and tug.
Keep moisturizers handy. Your hair is always in need of moisture. Get in the habit of carrying a little spritz bottle of water and oil. You will be surprised the difference it makes.
Protective styling is your friend, but…. don't go over board with the Senegalese and crochets! Your hair needs breathing time in between styles. And NEVER wear a style that makes your head sore. If you hurt, your hair is hurting!
Easy on the shampoo. You don't need to drench your hair in shampoo during every wash. And you don't even have to shampoo very often. Invest in a good herbal shampoo and work it throughout your scalp and then your ends. You save a lot more shampoo and your really focus on getting excess dirt from your hair follicles.
By Renae Gylbert on December 15, 2014
How To Get Waist-Long Natural Hair in No Time!For Ladies Only. How To Get Waist-Long Natural Hair in No Time!For Ladies Only. Reviewed by Unknown on 00:52 Rating: 5

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